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Senin, 18 Februari 2008

google adsense

cari uang dengan google adsense anda bisa mengunjungi situs
cosaaranda, seokita ato yang laen

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web domain parkir, disini anda bisa mendaftar free domain dan bisa langsung digunakan.

tentu saja anda harus mendaftar menjadi anggota dulu. jangan khawatir all free, gratis 100%

selanjutnya anda tinggal mengundang pengunjung, dan belajar dari ahlinya. ok


mendefinisikan cinta

dari wikipedia

Cinta adalah perasaan simpati yang melibatkan emosi yang mendalam Menurut Erich Fromm, ada empat syarat untuk mewujudkan cinta kasih, yaitu: 1. Knowledge (pengenalan) 2. Responsibilty (tanggung jawab) 3. Care (perhatian) 4. Respect (saling menghormati)

Seperti banyak jenis kekasih, ada banyak jenis cinta. Cinta berada di seluruh semua kebudayaan manusia. Oleh karena perbedaan kebudayaan ini, maka pendefinisian dari cinta pun sulit ditetapkan. Lihat hipotesis Sapir-Whorf.

Ekspresi cinta dapat termasuk cinta kepada 'jiwa' atau pikiran, cinta hukum dan organisasi, cinta badan, cinta alam, cinta makanan, cinta uang, cinta belajar, cinta kuasa, cinta keterkenalan, dll. Cinta lebih berarah ke konsep abstrak, lebih mudah dialami daripada dijelaskan.

Cinta kasih yang sudah ada perlu selalu dijaga agar dapat dipertahankan keindahannya.

versi lengkap silahkan merujuk link diatas.

Dari kata cinta ada istilah bercinta / ML
versi dari hukum agama jelas, istilah ML/bercinta hanya untuk suami istri yang sah, untuk yang belum menikah ML adalah berzina.

untuk memperindah dosa agar tidak kelihatan jorok para pakar setan mengusulkan istilah zina menjadi bercinta / ml. istilah bercinta /ML lebih kelihatan gaul dan tidak memalukan untuk diakui. selamat bercinta e... berzina

Jumat, 08 Februari 2008

How to Find a Top Rated Affiliate Program?

How to Find a Top Rated Affiliate Program?

If you're reading this, then it's pretty safe to assume that you are interested in marketing and very interested in making as much money as possible without working too hard. Well, that's what top rated affiliate programs are for because the only way a program can get to the top of the affiliate world is to provide the affiliates with everything they want and then some. Being proactive in meeting the needs of affiliates pay handsomely, which is why top rated affiliate programs can be counted on to offer the terms that make a marketer's heart race with excitement.

What are the features of a top rated affiliate program? For starters, such a program offers high commissions. The people behind it know that their products will sell very well and don't mind giving up a bigger share of the money in order to motivate affiliates and reward their efforts. If you're spending a couple of hours everyday pondering traffic statistics, thinking up ways to improve your website to get top search engine placement and generating a lot of sales then you deserve those high commissions. And if your conversion rate is high enough, you will be making a lot of money in a short time.

Aside from the high commissions you will need quality affiliate support from the associate program in the shape of free website templates to choose from, free content for your website (or websites) written by professional copywriters, tutorials and guides if you're only just beginning and lots of information and advice on the niche market you are going to be operating in. Plus, you get access to advanced affiliate tools for keyword research and traffic tracking. Another very important thing to look out for is the way products are sold. If the managers ask you to buy the products and resell it to customers, then you're walking into a scam.

But you probably know by now that there are no magic buttons to push that can make you a super affiliate in a couple of days. You'll have to work your way to a position of financial security and you have a lot to learn about how to be a good marketer. But joining a top rated affiliate program goes a long way to making your dreams come true as fast as humanly possible because the sad alternative is to do the same amount of work for less money. And that runs contrary to the fact that you deserve to get as much as possible for your efforts.

Low commissions and small percentages of low prices are highly NOT recommended and working for a greedy bunch of managers is an experience that should be avoided. Why waste time and effort when you can start on the right foot by joining a top rated affiliate program? If some people out there are willing to work for low commissions and others can't find anything wrong with investing their own money in a business that doesn't ever pay off, then let them do it. You have other priorities.